Saturday, April 13, 2013

What season is this?

I can't believe it snowed last night! Hello, what month is this? I thought it was April!
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{View from my apartment, love the church, not so much the vents… Pigeons seem to love them though!}
Since last night's snow and this morning's rain made running outside kinda sketchy, I had to take to doing my long run inside on the treadmill (not as much fun). Brought some good shows to watch so the time went by pretty fast though. 8 miles (13k)/1:36:24 mins, my longest run yet! I tried out some new Clif Gel Shot in Razz I got yesterday and Nuun electrolyte tablets.
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{Nuun in Tri-Berry flavour}
I honestly don't think I would have made it through without them! I didn't hit any hard spots during the run and had enough energy to increase my pace during the last mile or so. The gel shot was hard to get used too as it's super think and kind of has a weird taste. But once I got over that it wasn't so bad and they are nice and small so it will be easy to bring a couple with me during the race. It was also a nice change to have a little flavour in my water without any added calories :)
Also picked up a foam roller last night. Used it on my legs and back and it really did make a difference. I didn't even think about using it for my back until I talked to the guy at Sport Chek. He said the larger one was good for large muscle groups, especially your back. I told him that I had actually been experiencing some kinks in my back and he said it could be from putting too much weight on my heels when I run which adds stress to the back. I'm going to try and work on my form to see if this is something I do. At least I can use the roller for now to help work out the sore parts.
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{Please ignore my gross carpeting, came with the apartment :S}
Now for a much needed shower and some laundry! Have a great weekend :)

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